Performing an infrared roof moisture survey can provide valuable information about the condition of a roof and its potential for moisture damage. Here are some of the things that can be learned from this type of survey:

  1. Presence of Moisture: Infrared technology detects differences in temperature, which can reveal the presence of moisture within the roofing system. Moisture can indicate leaks or other forms of damage, which can cause problems like mold, rot, and structural damage if left unaddressed.
  2. Extent of Moisture Damage: Infrared imaging can help identify the extent of moisture damage by highlighting the areas that are wet or damp. This information can help determine the severity of the damage and guide repairs.
  3. Location of Leaks: Infrared surveys can help identify the location of leaks, which may not be visible to the naked eye. This information can help guide repairs and prevent further damage.
  4. Energy Efficiency: Infrared imaging can also be used to identify areas of the roof where heat is escaping, which can be an indicator of poor insulation. By addressing these areas, building owners can improve energy efficiency and reduce heating and cooling costs.

Overall, an infrared roof moisture survey provides a non-destructive and efficient way to evaluate the condition of a roof and identify potential issues. This information can help building owners make informed decisions about repairs and maintenance, and ultimately save money by avoiding costly damage in the future.

To schedule a consultation, call Atlantic Testing Services today or contact us for more information.